Geoff Harley-Mason
Member and Trustee
Mr Harley-Mason is Vice-Chair of Governors at Arden; a Community Governor and member of the BSII and Admissions and Behaviour committees. He is a youth work tutor and consultant, previously having worked at Knowle Parish Church.
He has a degree in Economics and an MA in Theology & Youthwork. He has been running residential trips for young people both in the UK and abroad for over 20 years. His particular interest and experience is in taking young people on experiential visits to Africa.
He has involvement locally with an organisation working to promote understanding among young people from different religious backgrounds. Living in the community, Mr Harley-Mason was previously an LEA governor and has three children all of whom have been students at Arden. Music, student welfare, wellbeing and progress and curriculum enrichment are areas of particular interest.