Mr Martin Murphy
Chief Executive Officer and Trust Accounting Officer
As the Chief Executive Officer and Trust Accounting Officer for Arden Multi Academy Trust (AMAT) Martin provides strategic leadership to the trust to enable it to deliver its charitable objectives while being accountable for the performance of all the academies within the trust. He has over 20 years of extensive senior leadership experience. He was the Principal and latterly the Executive Principal at Arden between 2011 and 2018 before taking on the role of Chief Executive Officer in September 2018. Martin is a National Leader for Education (NLE) who has an intensive focus on Teaching and Learning, student progress, curriculum development and major estate strategy experience.
As a Headteacher in Cumbria for 11 years he led a major expansion from 450 to 1500 students in a decade where Ofsted judged ‘the quality of leadership provided by the Headteacher as “outstanding”. The PE, sports curriculum and Sports Coordinator provision was judged by HMI as “outstanding” and one of the best in England.